
turn over the pot Learn more about turn over the pot

  • Turn over the bonsai and change the soil

    Turn over the bonsai and change the soil

    The turning of bonsai trees can be determined according to the following aspects: (1) in general, small bonsai is turned once every 1-2 years, medium bonsai every 2-3 years, and large bonsai every 5 years. If it is an old tree pile scene, you can turn the basin every few years. (2) the tree species with exuberant growth and like fertilizer have more times of turning pots and shorter interval years, while those species with slow growth and less fertilizer need less pots turning times and longer interval years. The old pile scene of pine and cypress should not be turned over more. (3) the tree species with luxuriant branches and leaves and well-developed roots should turn the pot frequently.

  • These flowers should be turned over in September. They will grow more and more beautiful in the coming year.

    These flowers should be turned over in September. They will grow more and more beautiful in the coming year.

    Why can "turning over" be more beautiful? After most flowers grow in pots for a period of time, they have to turn over the pots and change the soil in order to ensure the healthy growth of the next year. After the plant grows up, the root is more robust, even protrudes from the bottom of the pot, the flowerpot needs.

  • How to turn pots and change soil for tree stump bonsai

    How to turn pots and change soil for tree stump bonsai

    After the growth of the stump bonsai for a period of time, the root system is covered with potted soil, crisscross, so that the ability to absorb fertilizer and water is weakened. at the same time, the nutrient elements in the potted soil are less and less, which is disadvantageous to the growth of the stump, so it is necessary to turn the pot and change the soil. The turning of the basin usually takes place in September in autumn or from early spring to Qingming Festival.

  • Steps and methods of rejuvenation of potted flowers after turning over pots and changing soil

    Steps and methods of rejuvenation of potted flowers after turning over pots and changing soil

    Steps and methods of rejuvenation of potted flowers after turning over pots and changing soil

  • Matters needing attention in turning over flower pots

    Matters needing attention in turning over flower pots

    Matters needing attention in turning over flower pots

  • A Tour of Turning over Pots and Pruning Roots of Stone Flowers

    A Tour of Turning over Pots and Pruning Roots of Stone Flowers

    Zhengwen graphic: dream summer sedum kind of meat busy shade ventilation not toss, but there is a kind of meat instead in summer toss, that is also very popular meat_raw stone flower. The best time to transplant or turn over a plant is in summer.

  • Methods and matters needing attention of turning over pots and changing soil for family potted flowers

    Methods and matters needing attention of turning over pots and changing soil for family potted flowers

    Methods and matters needing attention of turning over pots and changing soil for family potted flowers

  • Flower master: no need to turn over the pot to change soil, no fertilizer, flowers burst balcony!

    Flower master: no need to turn over the pot to change soil, no fertilizer, flowers burst balcony!

    Hua Xiansen recently met an awesome man who is very good at growing flowers in potted plants at home! The things used to grow flowers in potted plants at home are even more powerful. His potted flowers have never been.

  • If you want to grow a full pot of succulent plants in autumn, turn over the basin and change the soil first.

    If you want to grow a full pot of succulent plants in autumn, turn over the basin and change the soil first.

    Succulent plants have been raised for a long time, although the plants look healthy, but at this time the root system has filled the whole flowerpot, which is not conducive to drainage and ventilation, and the soil nutrients have been lost, from the original granule to powder, soil acidification. So...

  • The succulent plants of the twelve volumes are easier to raise than Sedum.

    The succulent plants of the twelve volumes are easier to raise than Sedum.

    Thanks to the material of the Maodu gardener, I found that labor is the best rest. I turned over several pots of soil and found that labor was the best rest when I looked at the clean plants.

  • The best time of turning basin, ramet, germination rate and strong seedling rate

    The best time of turning basin, ramet, germination rate and strong seedling rate

    The best time of turning basin, ramet, germination rate and strong seedling rate

  • Turning over pots and changing plant materials of orchids are prohibited from changing soil within 2 years.

    Turning over pots and changing plant materials of orchids are prohibited from changing soil within 2 years.

    As we all know, orchid is a perennial herb, its growth rate is relatively slow. Like other plants, the growth of orchids also needs a relatively stable environment, that is to say, the plant material in the basin and the surrounding environment need to be relatively stable, which is not suitable for turning the basin and changing soil frequently. In providing a relative for the orchid.

  • Orchids turn over basin skills

    Orchids turn over basin skills

    Orchids turn over basin skills

  • How many magnolia blossoms? Don't be silly. It will turn orchids into bluegrass.

    How many magnolia blossoms? Don't be silly. It will turn orchids into bluegrass.

    Orchids are gentlemen in flowers, and many friends like to raise them. Turn the pot regularly for the orchid, you can check the growth of the orchid root, whether there are diseases, whether the plant material is hardened. And according to the actual situation, add plant materials, supplement nutrition, help orchids.

  • The method of turning the bonsai basin

    The method of turning the bonsai basin

    The process of replanting potted plants in pots is called turning over pots. According to the needs of modeling, either change the deep basin into a shallow basin, or change the position or posture of the trees, and carry out the necessary processing to make the bonsai more beautiful and more ornamental. Some potted flowers and trees suffer from diseases and insect pests

  • The turning of the bonsai of trees

    The turning of the bonsai of trees

    Generally speaking, the small bonsai turns the basin every 1-2 years, the medium bonsai turns the basin every 2-3 years, and the large bonsai turns the basin every 5 years. If it is an old tree pile scene, it can be turned over every few years. The tree species that grow exuberantly and like to be fat, turn the pot more times.

  • When do orchids change pots?

    When do orchids change pots?

    Some orchids are thinking about changing pots for orchids, but they suffer from not knowing when and when to change pots. Mastering the right time to change pots to plant orchids is an important part of raising orchids. The orchid scripture of Linghai Lanyan talks about the six taboos of planting orchids: "seed taboos in extreme heat, cold and scorching sun.

  • Bonsai basin turning skill training

    Bonsai basin turning skill training

    Bonsai turning is a skill that all bonsai lovers must master, many novice friends may not know how to start and practice, today we will learn to turn the basin. First, the first step of the preparatory work before turning the basin: for sure.

  • If you encounter this kind of situation, you must turn the pot, or the meat will never grow up.

    If you encounter this kind of situation, you must turn the pot, or the meat will never grow up.

    The vigorous growth and vitality of meat in autumn is the perfect time to turn the pot around. However, turning the pot is not our goal, but one of our ways to make the meat grow better. Judge her before you decide to turn the pot.

  • Four problems to be clarified in the maintenance of Gardenia jasminoides

    Four problems to be clarified in the maintenance of Gardenia jasminoides

    Gardenia is a summer fragrant flower, when the sun is like fire and the heat wave is rolling, it is the time when it is full of green leaves and fragrance. Decorate a basin on the balcony, put a bunch of bottles in the room, and the aroma floats all over the room. So, gardenia maintenance, how to do.
